Oproep voor inzendingen
Waarschuwing:Titelweergave "Oproep voor inzendingen" overschrijft eerdere titelweergave "Inzendingen".

Wikimania 2013 in Hong Kong is de negende internationale conferentie rondom de Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikiquote, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversity en meer). De conferentie geeft Wikimedians uit alle delen van de wereld de mogelijkheid om elkaar te ontmoeten, ervaringen te delen met anderen en nieuwe samenwerkingen te laten ontstaan. Wikimania is ook een gelegenheid voor Wikimedia om de educatie en culturele sectoren te onmoeten en te overleggen over verdere samenwerking. Ook is het een mogelijkheid voor Wikimedia om de laatste ontwikkelingen in wiki technologie en de vrije cultuur te tonen aan het grote publiek.
Als de host stad biedt Hong Kong unieke mogelijkheden voor Wikimania. Hong Kong's centrale positie tussen Azië en de Pacific en de makkelijke toegang zullen nieuwe deelnemers naar Wikimania trekken, die eerder vanwege politieke of economische redenen niet konden komen. Hong Kong's cultureel erfgoed, verfijnd onderwijssysteem en unieke politieke situatie trekken de interesse van cultuur, media, academische wereld en overheden.
Om deelnemers alles uit de conferentie te laten halen en elkaar te laten ontmoeten zal het programma zowel traditionele activiteiten als presentaties, panels, workshops en poster-sessies bevatten, maar ook beschikken over genoeg relax ruimte en voldoende pauzes zodat deelnemers elkaar op informele wijze kunnen ontmoeten. Inzendingen zullen van te voren beoordeeld en geselecteerd worden door het programme committee.
Belangrijke data
SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. We hope to see you at Wikimania!
Oproep voor deelname geopend: 15 December 2012
Deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen: 30 April 2013
Review submissions: May 2013(submission review table)
Notificatie van acceptatie: Juni 2013 (TBP)
- 1st round was sent on 17 May 2013.
Onderdelen worden bij Wikimania gebruikt om inzendingen te ordenen en zodat presentaties voor verschillende doelgroepn gelijktijdig gehouden kunnen worden. De volgende vijf onderdelen zijn ingediend voor Wikimania 2013.
Wikis in Azië
Azië biedt vele uitdagingen en kansen voor het wiki ecosysteem. Hoe kunnen we Wikimedia projecten ontwikkelen en lokalisatie in lokale talen als het Cantonees en Indische talen aanmoedigen terwijl ze overschaduwd worden door grotere talen als het Engels en standaar Chinees. Hoe kunnen we het succes van de Europese Wikimedia onderdelen kopiëren naar Azië? Het bewegen van samenwerking naar verschil van mening, territoriale en politiek oneenigheden in de echte wereld worden vaak edit-wars en administratieve oneenigheden op Wikipedia; overheids censuur, zoals de grote Chinese firewall, hebben een impuls gegeven aan lokale bewerkbare encyclopediën die zichzelf hebben gezetteld in de lokale internet cultuur en concurreren met Wikipedia. Dit onderdeel richt zich op het voorborduren op gelijkenissen en het uitzoeken van verschillende tussen Wikimedians, en het aanmoedigen van het de rest van de wereld.
Cultural and Educational Outreach
With many Wikimedia projects reaching maturity, GLAMs – galleries, libraries, archives and museums – and academia have become major contributors of new content. This track aims to foster collaboration and synergy between Wikimedians, GLAMs and educational institutions. Presentations and panels will demonstrate effective outreach techniques and results from ongoing activities as well as envision the future path for these efforts. Popular topic areas in the cultural part of this track include: legal and copyright issues, content partnerships and coordination, technical facilities such as QRpedia, Wiki Loves Monuments and Wikipedia towns. Popular topics in the educational part of this track include: the Wikipedia Education Program, Wikipedia-editing assignments in universities, Wikipedia as a secondary education resource, and expert engagement.
WikiCulture and Community
This track explores the demographics and ethos of the wiki community and how editors and groups relate to one another. Popular areas of interest include: countering systemic bias in the community such as the lack of female editors and editors from developing countries; improving dispute resolution on Wikimedia projects; discrepancies and conflicts between different policies that apply to the same system; dialogues and clashes between different communities under the Wikimedia umbrella; and the ever-growing community of exiles, often labelled "trolls", who departed Wikipedia due to disagreements with the mainstream. Besides a critique of the current situation, we hope even more that the track will lead to suggestions for future improvement and reconciliation between people in conflict with one another.
Analysis and Public Engagement
As an academic conference, Wikimania provides this track to present recent scholarly research about wikis, and discuss the interaction between wikis and the general public. A common research area of Wikipedia scholarship is about the quality and distribution of content and readership across the Wikimedia projects and comparisons with other wikis. There is also much research on the interplay between Wikipedia and social phenomena, which forms the basis of discussion on public engagement: relationships between wikis, social media, and traditional media; concerted efforts by Wikimedians to lobby the government and the legal sector on copyright and freedom of speech issues, such as SOPA and ACTA. This track aims to use our knowledge about the current situation to engage the wider public to deliver Wikimedia's mission of making knowledge freely available to all.
Technology and Infrastructure
Technology and infrastructure are the backbones of Wikimedia projects, providing the hardware and software which facilitate collaboration. This track allows engineers and developers to showcase recent research and development in wiki technology. Topics of particular interest are: usability studies, the VisualEditor project, Wikipedia mobile interface, Article Feedback Tool, bots, MediaWiki extensions, translation and localization, and other relevant technical focus points. This track aims to gather input for future innovation to keep in step with the ever-evolving expectations of Internet users by improving reader and editor experience.
Presentation length
Due to the extensive amount of program submissions received in previous years, we request that your presentation be a maximum of 25 minutes, including time for questions. You may request more time, though shorter individual presentations are more likely to be accepted.
This time-limit does not apply to keynote speakers, panels, or workshops. Submissions for panel presentations with at least three speakers, or workshops with a clear lesson plan are allowed to request 70-minute slots.
All proposals and presentations will be welcome in the lounge space of the conference or in the unconference track, whether or not they are accepted as a submission.
How to submit a proposal
Authors are invited to submit workshop, seminar, tutorial, panel, and presentation proposals by following the directions below.
By submitting a proposal, you agree that the text of your proposal, your presentation slides, and any video recordings can be distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License or a compatible license. You also agree that, under the terms of the license, recordings of your presentation may be broadcast live, recorded, and made available for download later. If you object to these requirements (for instance, if you would prefer not to be filmed), please talk to a program committee member before submitting a proposal.
You will be notified through your contact information about the programme committee's decision regarding your submission.
If your submission is not added to the preliminary schedule, please do not be discouraged: Wikimania 2013 will have time set aside in the schedule for participants and attendees to participate in lounge talks and to form unofficial, self-organized talks and working groups. You will have many opportunities to bring topics forward on-site.
SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. We hope to see you at Wikimania!
Voor een lijst met huidige inzendingen, zie Wikimania 2013 submissions.