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Meet the Mozillians

From Wikimania 2013 • Hong Kong
Comment If you'd like to attend this event, please register via the link below to help the organizers gauge numbers.

Meet the Mozillians, Hong Kong, 2013

**** This meetup is already FULL and OVERCROWD, thank you. **** **** 本小聚已經滿額/起額了, 多謝支持. ****


Few oversea Mozillians will attend Wikimania in Hong Kong next weekend, and let's join our upstair cafe meetup to chit-chat Mozilla products, web and internet development and communities. We will reserve some seats with cafe for those who registered before the event.

Meet the Mozillians 2013 Date: August 9, 2013 Friday. Time: 19:30-22:00 Venue: Miracle House, Flat 697, 3/F Winner Mansion 691-697 Nathan Rd Mong Kok, Kowloon Register: http://meetmozillian2013hk.eventbrite.hk/ (We will book seats for those people who registered before the event.)

All participants must pay for their dinner set and F&B in their own, to meet upstair cafe minimum service charge. A basic dinner set is around $75-100.

You will meet with:

  • Arky (Community Manager, Mozilla Foundation from Vietnam)
  • Sammy Fung (Mozilla Rep in Hong Kong)
  • Wan Leung Wong (Mozillian in Hong Kong, HKLUG Vice-Chairman, Host of Hacking Thursday Hong Kong)
  • Irvin Chen (Mozillia Rep from Taiwan, Liaison of MozTW)
  • Orin Chen (Mozillia Rep from Taiwan)
  • Amir Aharoni (Mozilla Rep Mentor from Israel) (To Be Confirmed)
  • and more.

Co-organized by Mozilla Hong Kong Community, Hong Kong Linux User Group and Open Source Hong Kong.

(Monthly Open Source Workshops will be suspended for a while due to different special open source events in next few months.)


下星期,幾位海外的恐龍人 Mozillians 會來香港參加 Wikimania,我們將會順道辦一場樓上 cafe 聚會,歡迎大家報名來跟我們閒聊 Mozilla 產品、web、internet 發展和社群。由於座位有限,我們會替報名的參加者先向 cafe 訂位。

Meet the Mozillians 2013 日期: 2013 年 8 月 9 日星期五 時間: 19:30-22:00 地點: Miracle House, Flat 697, 3/F Winner Mansion 691-697 Nathan Rd Mong Kok, Kowloon 報名: http://meetmozillian2013hk.eventbrite.hk/ (由於座位有限,我們會替報名的參加者先向 cafe 訂位。 )

Cafe 設每人最低消費,基本晚餐由 $75-85 起,所有飲食由各位自付。

大家可以跟以下各位 Mozillians 見面和閒談:

  • Arky (Mozilla 基金會社群經理,來自越南)
  • Sammy Fung (香港 Mozilla Rep)
  • Wan Leung Wong (香港 Mozillian, HKLUG 副會長, 香港 Hacking Thursday 主持人)
  • Irvin Chen (台灣 Mozillia Rep, MozTW 主聯絡人)
  • Orin Chen (台灣 Mozillia Rep)
  • Amir Aharoni (以色列 Mozilla Rep) (有待確訂)
  • 還有更多.

活動由 Mozilla Hong Kong Community, Hong Kong Linux User Group and Open Source Hong Kong 共同舉辦.

(因應未來數月多個特備開放源碼活動, 每月的開源工作坊 Open Source Workshops 將會暫停一段時間.)