Talk:Submissions/MediaWiki i18n getting data-driven and world-reusable
Latest comment: 11 years ago by Nemo bis
What I particularly like is "the motivations for new directions in the development including data-driven approach and reusable libraries". I think this is what deserves most focus, beginning from the title, which is currently a bit generic about what's new and could be replaced by a variant of that sentence:
- MediaWiki stops having custom hacks and reuses generic i18n data and tools which allow us to do a better job, and
- more in general, it works together with other software and companies, benefiting the whole web's i18n rather than just being a good example, but hard to follow;
especially interesting would be to hear about jquery.i18n adoption and contributions from outside Wikimedia, and if there's time even how we plan to bring the best l10n platform of the web (MediaWiki+Translate/ ;) to a way broader usage by other FLOSS projects. --Nemo 10:54, 18 February 2013 (UTC)